Sunday, 26 August 2012

Relationship Test: How Strong Is The Bond?

If you are reading this, you have probably pissed off at me now. What I did to you was just a test. A test to see whether you are worth the risk or not and most importantly, to know What I am to you.

This idea is from a cousin/friend who has been married for 3 and a half years, he studied at Bristol University and has a master in psychology. He used this technique to know what is really inside his GF's heart who is now his wife. And I made my own personal touch to his technique.

This is the breakdown of what I want to do for the test. I will start off with the first phase by giving you a present that only the you can relate to. He also did this although he didn't want to tell me what is the content of the present he gave to her but from the looked of his face, I bet it was something kinky but romantic nonetheless.. 

He explained that the 'last' present is the key to the connection of what you have right now because serious shit will be going on in this test. It must be something that out of the ordinary and yet thoughtful  enough so that she can feel that she really meant something special to you.

 he further continued, "In the second phase, I would like you to ignore her right after she feels happy to be by your side." yeah.. I will do this to you also.. :p

"She will try to make a contact with you out of her curiosity. Only after several calls or messages from her that you will reply her massages. But then say something that can hurt her feelings, have a migraine, cry, sick, or whatever you can think off but don't overdo it. If you overdid it and you are lucky, she might bring out the mole who is hiding from the underground. Make very sure that you are able to fight when that happens. But if you overdid it and you are unlucky, well.... Shit happens. She might bring out the rage of her family. That is when the third phase comes in handy, prepare a written note for the evidence BEFORE you start to think of doing this plan."

The  fourth phase will be the waiting. Maybe I will give you something to think about just to give you the hint and maybe a few days to think about it. Like what fadillah kamsah said in a talk "mengikut kajian saintifik, manusia cuma marah dalam 4 minit jerr... yang selebihnya itu adalah emosi."

Only, and only in the emotional state that I can bring out the inner self of a person, the dark side of you. I have to know what I will be dealing with in the future if I do something stupid if we were to be together. I believe that in this state every reaction of a person is the truth, the person cannot lie anymore in this state.
He then continued "After she cooled herself down a bit, she might express what is on her mind, she might response nicely by asking you what is wrong with the relationship and listen to your story." This will indicate that I have rooted a special spot in your heart. If that is not the case and you let the relationship hanging in the air without responding or do something about it, most likely, I am just a reserve player and you got what you needed from me already.

The fifth and final phase I will approach you, and tell you personally what I have decided and give you the link to this blog so that you can read it. I don't know whether you will be so mad at me to read this or not.. but I hope you read this. I know the risk involve with this, because every human has a different nature and reaction to something.

I sincerely hope this will clear the fog between us. No matter what happen after this test and what my decision will be and what your decision will be, I can't hide the feeling that when I am writing this scrip in front of my laptop, I really do love you.

 Sorry for doing this, but I have to do it anyway. Love you. ^^,

Monday, 30 January 2012

Janganlah Anggap Diri Kita Lebih

Sehebat mana kita, atau sejauhmana cemerlang kita....janganlah kita selalu menganggap diri kita sentiasa LEBIH!!!!!!

Kita diciptakan oleh maha Pencipta iaitu Allah s.w.t di dunia ini adalah untuk saling bantu-membantu.kita ibarat seperti jari-jari tangan kita, ada yang panjang, ada yang pendek..ada yang kecil, ada yang besar. Setiap satu masing-masing mempunyai peranan untuk kita mengambil atau memegang makanan. Oleh itu jika hilang satu di antara jari kita, maka agak sukarlah kita mengambil makanan...begitulah ibaratnya kita masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri..bukan sentiasa lebih daripada orang lain.

Terdapat beberapa panduan yang digariskan oleh Imam Al-Ghazali supaya kita tidak bersifat sombong dan angkuh sementara berada di muka bumi Allah ini.

1. Jika berjumpa dengan kanak-kanak , anggaplah kanak-kanak itu lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana kanak-kanak ini belum melakukan dosa, sedangkan kita entah berapa banyak berdosa sesama manusia dan kepada Allah s.w.t.

2. Bila bertemu dengan orang yang lebih tua, anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana mereka sudah lama beribadat dan sudah banyak pengetahuan dan pengalaman daripada kita.

3. Jika berjumpa dengan orang alim, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana dia mempunyai banyak ilmu yang telah dipelajari dan diketahui daripada kita.

4. Bila melihat orang yang jahil, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita. Ini kerana dia membuat dosa dalam keadaan dia jahil. Sedangkan kita membuat dosa dalam keadaan kita mengetahuinya.

5. Jika melihat orang yang jahat, janganlah anggap kita lebih mulia daripada dia. Ini kerana mungkin suatu hari nanti dia akan menyesal dan insaf serta bertaubat atas kesalahannya.

6. Apabila bertemu dengan orang kafir, katakan dalam hati kita bahawa mungkin pada suatu hari nanti dia akan diberi hidayah oleh Allah dan akan memeluk Agama Islam. Maka segala dosanya akan diampunkan oleh Allah...sedangkan kita..